Hiring a freelance marketing strategist is a major deal. Let’s talk about what you should ultimately consider in your quest for the right partnership.
First impressions are everything! So, getting started on the right foot is a major deal when cultivating a relationship with an individual or a company that will curate the visionary marketing devices for you and your brand. You want to be able to dance in the streets and sing the praises of the team you’ve hired. You want to walk away feeling like you’ve struck gold.
However — what happens if you’re not immediately blown away?
If there wasn’t an immediate “WOW” factor, that’s not necessarily a deal breaker. Does this marketing team show strong potential? At some point, you have to decide which is more important to you — their quality of work or the connection you established? You could be the very first client of their kind, which is exciting for both parties, as it allows the unique opportunity for endless creativity. If they’re a likely candidate to represent your brand, give them a fair first chance — remember, they’re doing the same with you.
You have a vision, right? Of course! Unfortunately, not everyone will share your same vision.
The first time you meet with your potential creative team, don’t be afraid to hold back. No idea should ever be too big for your creative team! Share your goals — where do you plan to be in your first 30 days? 90? A year? Allow your team the time to present you with a plan to bring your dreams to fruition. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and thing’s don’t (always) happen over night.
So how do you know if you’ve found the right creative team?
That feeling of excitement you get when sharing your ideas — your team should have it too. Get the creative juices flowing. If you’re both on your feet because you can’t sit down, thinking about the major marketing pieces you can create for your upcoming event or product launch, then you better say yes to that dress — you might have a keeper.
Trust is major in any relationship — but we’re not here to talk about your dating life. You want to be able to sleep at night, knowing that your marketing team is working hard for you. While you’re not expected to label your marketing specialist as a friend or family member — this is someone that you’re going to be working very closely with, anywhere between a term of a few weeks to a few years.
However, trust and communication are a two-way street.
Can your marketing team trust you? Ultimately, you make the final decisions for everything that is created. How do you present yourself as a business person? Do you communicate effectively? Are you a person of your word? If you, yourself, initiate any traits that can cause your team to doubt your ability to make decisions or follow through on your business obligations, this can cause a rift in your relationship with your marketing team, which can ultimately lead to a severed relationship. Meet your marketing specialist with the same energy, transparency and communication that they approach with you. If something is off, don’t be reluctant to say so. You both want to be able to walk away from every encounter without any unfavorable feelings and unresolved conflicts.
Ready to take the first step? Click here and find out if B. Hope is the right team for you!